Schlagwort-Archive: Daniela Dallavalle Lookbook Spring Summer 2018

Elisa Cavaletti by Daniela Dallavalle Spring Summer 2018



Dear Elisa Cavaletti Fashionistas,

the winter draws to a close in fashion. The first spring and summer collections are now slowly entering the shops and the MonEri Online shop.

Also the beautiful Elisa Cavaletti spring/summer collection 2018 is coming soon in sale. The creations of designer Daniela Dallavalle will once again outperform your ideas.

Daniela Dallavalle will again surprise you with the best colors, which has to offer the summer this year and a lot of beautiful details. We give you a sneak peek. Look just in the next days and again in the MonEri-online shop to  see which new Elisa Cavaletti items arrived. Further you will find as soon as possible the Elisa Cavaletti Lookbooks Spring Summer 2018 in our Elisa Cavaletti online shop.

Also in 2018 our Elisa Cavaletti Online shop  stands for:

o fast delivery
o  gigantic Elisa Cavaletti choice
o Shopping experience on 365 days in year round-the-clock
o free shipment within Germany
o great consultation

MonEri is the Elisa Cavaletti online shop for women who love the special.